The Truth

This is the truth about Equal Pay Grade for Equal Work. Even with everything exactly the same where you live can limit your promotion potential. This has to change. EEO laws are only about equal pay for different genders or races. You can pay two women different salaries for any reason in the Federal Government and it can still be legal.

This is against the principle of “Equal Pay for Equal Work!” Legal and Wrong

But what about –  5 Code 51? There are loopholes. You can be hired and placed in Excepted Service, provide your college transcript, be selected after they interviewed several candidates, work for 10 years and have excellent reviews and still they don’t have to follow equal pay laws.

5 U.S. Code § 5101 – Purpose

(1)in determining the rate of basic pay which an employee will receive—     

(A) the principle of equal pay for substantially equal work will be followed; and
(B)variations in rates of basic pay paid to different employees will be in proportion to substantial differences in the difficulty, responsibility, and qualification requirements of the work performed and to the contributions of employees to efficiency and economy in the service; and

Dear Employee:

Please ensure that any claim for the reimbursement of communication expenses are properly submitted, and includes the following:

  1. Print first name, last name and FR code at the top of each page of the documentation provided;
  2. Send a copy of itemized phone bill to this mailbox;
    • Write the chargeable project number next to each business-related call.
    • If you do not typically receive an itemized monthly telephone bill, you must contact the telephone carrier to obtain an itemized bill (if an itemized bill is not available, please follow the procedures outlined below .  The Census Bureau does not reimburse fees associated with obtaining an itemized phone bill.
      • List all business-related calls 
      • Circle or check (do not highlight) all official business-related calls
  3. Include a copy of your phone bill that shows the allowable plan minutes.  Reimbursement is only applicable to calls which exceed a local or long distance monthly minute allocation.

Employees With Flat Rate Plans: With flat rate plans, an employee pays a “flat rate” each month and then receives a reduced cost per minute rate. The Census Bureau will reimburse an employee with a flat rate plan for “business call minutes” times the “cost per minute”.

Note: The Census Bureau does not reimburse charges for personal calls, phone equipment, basic telephone service charges, text messages, or taxes associated with the plan. Therefore, charges for text messages or data used are not reimbursable.

Claims that do include the required documents will not be reimbursed.  The administrative staff must follow Census reimbursement policy.