Hi, HQ is hiring computer scientists, data scientists, mathematicians, and other high GS staff. This is a good thing as we are adapting to trends and technology. I love technology. However, it’s the questions we ask AI that determines the data. This I can usually find issues with.
Starts with Department of Commerce v. United States House of Representatives, 525 U.S. 316 (1999)
Ends with JUSTICE BREYER delivered the opinion of the Court. The question before us is whether the Census Bureau’s use in the year 2000 census of a methodology called “hot-deck imputation” either (1) violates a statutory provision forbidding use of “the statistical method known as ‘sampling’” or (2) is inconsistent with the Constitution’s statement that an “actual Enumeration” be made. 13 U. s. C. § 195; U. s. Const., Art. I, § 2, cl. 3. We conclude that use of “hot-deck imputation” violates neither the statute nor the Constitution.
These are for the Decennial. It’s already being used on other surveys.
Thank you for the opportunity to assist the Federal Government in helping to get the U.S. Census back to the roots:
My name is Monica Feffer. I worked at Advertising Agencies for 25-years before joining the U.S. Census seven-years as Field Supervisor. We collect the data that government, businesses, and researchers use to make decisions about our economy and its people. My team is composed of dedicated workers who reflect America’s best. We are 15 employees with the beautiful diversity that makes our country great. High school diplomas, college graduates, master’s degrees, PhDs, even a retired lawyer. The median age of our group is around 55-years old. We all had productive careers in schools, small businesses, and private companies before joining the Census. We are as diverse as our field supervisory area. In fact, 50% of my county speaks another language other than English at home. Five team members speak multiple languages. We love the work we do and we know how important it is. We are so appreciative to be living here. We love our country.
It is with the upmost respect I have for the American people and our values for what I am about to say. We need to bring back the American Community Survey (ACS) Brochure that was used when I started here seven-years ago. The ACS brochure had a bold branding element – a strong American Flag. Somewhere in the highly paid employees at headquarters, the design of the ACS brochure changed from USA greatness to a generic brochure that could be from any random company for any random country. I tried to get them to go back to the old brochure. Nobody cared.
Diversity and inclusion, when combined with meritocracy, will make our country the best we can be. Bring back the flag.